206 words
1 minute reading time

Bittersweet cookies

Wonderfully smooth, light and yet nice and sweet thanks to our Erythritol Powder. You'll want to try this one!

30 pieces
30 minutes

150 grams of almond flour
150 grams SweetLife Powder Erythritol
2 eggs, split (don't use the egg yolk*)
1½ tsp almond extract

Also necessary:
Piping bag (or use a freezer bag with a corner cut out of it)

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix the almond flour, Erythritol Powder and a pinch of salt. Stir in the eggs and almond extract until you end up with a paste the consistency of almond paste. Spoon the pasta into a piping bag (or a sandwich bag with a corner cut off).
2. Place a few sheets of newspaper on a baking tray and place a sheet of baking paper on top (this prevents the cookies from becoming too brown). Pipe a dollop at a time (without a piping nozzle). Just press the top ends a bit flatter with a damp finger.
3. Bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes until golden brown on the edges. Turn off the oven and let it continue cooking in the oven for another 5 minutes.

*Use the egg yolk, for example, to make mayonnaise or custard.

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