Lunch treat: crispbread with goat cheese and figs
What's for lunch today? Now that we work from home more often, this can be a difficult question. It should be fast, but also tasty. And not always the same... With this recipe for crispbread with goat cheese, figs and syrup you can easily prepare a delicious lunch!
Thanks to Marisa from Rotterdam Food (insta: @rotterdam.food) for this idea and the photos!
Ingredients (for 1 serving)
3 pieces of crispbread
75 grams of pure goat cheese
1 fresh fig
2 tablespoons Sweetlife Johannesbroodsiroop (available at Jumbo and Picnic)
8 basil leaves
Preparation method
1. Spread the crispbread with a layer of pure goat cheese.
2. Cut the fresh fig into thin slices and top the crispbread with it. About 2 thin slices of fresh fig per crispbread.
3. Pick about 8 fresh basil leaves and top the crispbread with them.
4. Drizzle with SweetLife Johannesbroodsiroop (Carob Syrup) for a sweet touch
5. Enjoy your delicious lunch dish!
For the original recipe in Dutch, visit https://www.rotterdamfood.nl/knackebrod-met-geitenkaas-en-vijgen/