Snickers Chia Pudding
Do you ever find yourself quickly grabbing a Snickers bar at the station on your way to work? Or just can't leave that bar in your cupboard? Then this chia pudding is for you. We bet you won't miss the bar once you've tried this more nutritious version? Also great to take with you on the go!
1 person
15 min. + at least 1 hour waiting time
1 empty jar of peanut butter or other nut butter
250 grams (plant-based) yoghurt
25 grams chia seeds
4 tsp SweetLife St John’s bread
2 tsp unsalted peanuts, coarsely chopped
1 tbsp peanut butter
10 grams extra dark chocolate
1. Stir 230 grams of yoghurt, the chia seeds, 2 tsp St John’s bread and the peanuts (save a few for garnish) into the empty jar. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes to stiffen.
2. Mix the peanut butter and a pinch of (sea) salt with the rest of the syrup and yoghurt to a thick, creamy paste. Spread over the chia pudding.
3. Melt the chocolate (for example in the microwave) and pour over the peanut butter layer.
4. Let the chia pudding stiffen in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Garnish with the rest of the peanuts.